New strength for better performance
Magic Wand Fitness – Workouts for the entire body!
A strong and athletic body is considered today as one of the signs of success. In order to keep up, you certainly need spare energy. Through various types of exercise, a lot of time and energy is consumed, leaving little time for other things.
All aims of a training can be achieved through a very effective and efficient method, which will spare your time – Magic Wand Fitness!

Maximizing the minimum – a hi-tech trend
Comprehensive activation of the entire musculature enables an efficient workout to both recreational and professional athletes.
Apart from the higher pace of the EMS training, muscle and joints structure of the body is unharmed, as passive training will only affect the latter. Electric impulse stimulates only muscle contraction, both specifically and directly, without using weights to achieve it.
It is possible to combine the workout with sport specific moves, which will fulfil the aims of better performance.
MWF workout is a revolutionary system, indispensable to athletes that aspire for higher performance.

Naturally slim, healthy and fit
All major muscle groups are being activated at the same time, each adjusted to the capabilities of the user – including the ones at the waist and hips, which are difficult to reach. Metabolic and enzyme activity increases, thus enhancing energy consumption to rise as well.
Musculature is developing, while turning fat into energy.
Positive effect continues several hours after the exercise.
Result: Efficient, strong and sustainably shaped body

New strength for your back – may the pain disappear
Back pain is one of the most common conditions one might face today. Stress, pulled muscles and neglecting the back musculature are the key reasons for this condition. Through individually controlled workout, deep sitting muscle groups are activated and strengthened, which is not possible with the conventional training.
Physical imbalance are being leveled and torso musculature is empowered.